October 13, 2021
Contact: Reba Lean, Public Relations Manager
Phone: 907-443-9674
Nome, Alaska – Norton Sound Health Corporation identified 11 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, Oct. 12. Eight of the newly identified cases are in Brevig Mission, and three are in Nome. In Brevig, all cases were close contacts to previously identified cases. In Nome, one case was a close contact and two were community spread. One Nome case was of a NSHC employee, who had no patient interaction during their infectious period.
There are 106 active COVID-19 cases in the region. Of the current cases, 51 are in Nome, 45 are in Brevig Mission, six are in Elim, three are in Koyuk, and one is in Shishmaref.
Due to high COVID-19 infection rates lately, NSHC Dental is once again requiring dental patients to test before appointments, whether they are vaccinated or not. Patients should schedule their test 24-48 hours before their dental appointments to ensure results are back in time.
Testing for COVID-19 is open daily for asymptomatic people from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Nome Operations Building, located at the corner of Greg Kruschek Avenue and K Street. Please visit to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome.
The Cough and Cold Clinic is available for testing every day for symptomatic patients. It is located on the first floor of the hospital and is open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekends, except for 12-1p.m. when it closes for lunch.
In the region’s villages, please call your local clinic to get tested or vaccinated.