November 22, 2021
Contact: Alexis Erikson, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (907) 443-8918
121 Active COVID-19 Cases in Region
Nome, Alaska –Between Friday, Nov. 19 and Sunday, Nov. 21, Norton Sound Health Corporation identified 17 COVID-19 cases between four regional communities. Of those cases, 11 were in Nome, four were in Shishmaref, one was in Unalakleet, and one was in Gambell.
In Nome, nine of the cases were close contacts to previously identified cases, and two were community spread cases. All the cases in Shishmaref, Gambell, and Unalakleet were close contacts to previously identified cases.
The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services states that finding healthy habits during the pandemic is important to help prevent severe illness and to increase overall resiliency from stress. Find a way to move your body regularly, eat healthy, and practice gratitude. Encourage your friends, communities, schools, and loved ones to stay safe, strong, and kind.
Taking just 15-minutes to move around each day can benefit you both physically and mentally. The exercise is good for your body, but it can also improve your mood by reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Next time you go outdoors, take a walk, and look for things that spark your sense of wonder. You may find it increases your feelings of compassion and gratitude.
There are currently 121 active cases in the region: 86 are in Nome, 12 are in Savoonga, 10 are in Shishmaref, seven are in Unalakleet, three are in Gambell, two are in Brevig, and one is in Wales. Village leadership in all communities have been notified.