October 27, 2021
Contact: Alexis Erikson, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (907) 443-8918
28 COVID-19 Cases Identified on Tuesday
Nome, Alaska – On Tuesday, Oct. 26, NSHC identified 28 COVID-19 cases between five regional communities.
Of the new cases, 14 are in Nome, six are in Savoonga, three are in Brevig, two are in Elim, and two are in Unalakleet. All individuals have been notified and are safely isolating.
This week, a COVID-19 advisory panel with the Food and Drug Administration voted to recommend an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in children ages 5 to 11 years old. Another advisory panel from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention will meet soon and consider the recommendation. If the CDC approves the emergency authorization, then the Pfizer vaccine could be administered to the age group by the end of the year.
The FDA recommendation comes as more than 1.9 million cases have been reported among children ages 5-11, with approximately 8,300 children hospitalized to date, according to the CDC.
A dose of Pfizer for children ages 5 to 11 years old would contain only one-third of the amount in a normal dose.
In Nome, COVID-19 vaccinations are available at the following places and times:
• Nome NSHC Pharmacy: walk in Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. Appointments are available Monday-Saturday at
• Nome Airport: Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are offered to all incoming passengers 12 years and older.
In the village, please call your local clinic to be added to a waitlist or to schedule an appointment.
There are currently 156 active cases in the region: 100 are in Nome, 32 are in Brevig, 14 are in Elim, six are in Savoonga, five are in Unalakleet, two are in Shaktoolik, two are in Wales, and one is in Shishmaref. Village leadership in all communities have been notified.