November 17, 2021
Contact: Sarah Richards, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (907) 443-4591
Nome, Alaska – On Tuesday, Nov. 16, Norton Sound Health Corporation identified 31 COVID-19 cases in the region. Of the new cases, 23 were in Nome, five were in Shishmaref, two were in Savoonga, and one was in Brevig Mission. All patients have been notified and are safely isolating.
Of the cases in Nome, 17 cases were close contacts, and six were community spread. In Shishmaref, all cases were close contacts. In Savoonga, both cases were due to community spread, and the case in Brevig was a close contact.
Anyone in the region can get tested for COVID-19. In villages, contact your local clinic to schedule a test. To schedule an appointment in Nome for COVID-19 testing, please visit Walk-ins are also welcome.
Testing for COVID-19 is open daily for asymptomatic people from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Nome Operations Building Testing Center, located at the corner of Greg Kruschek Avenue and K Street. The Testing Center is open during the lunch hour, but staffing is limited.
The Cough and Cold Clinic is available for testing every day for symptomatic patients. It is located on the first floor of the hospital and is open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekends. You can call the direct line to the clinic at (907) 443-3231.
There are currently 172 active cases in the region: 106 are in Nome, 41 are in Savoonga, nine are in Shishmaref, six are in Brevig, six are in Gambell, and two are in White Mountain. Additionally, Unalakleet, St. Michael, and Wales each have one active case. Village leadership in all communities have been notified.