January 27, 2022
Contact: Alexis Erikson, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (907) 443-8918
374 Active COVID-19 Cases in Region
Nome, Alaska – Norton Sound Health Corporation identified 105 COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, Jan. 26. Of the new cases, there were 23 cases in Gambell, 21 in Nome, 13 in Shishmaref, 10 in Teller, nine in Unalakleet, seven in both Brevig and Elim, five in both Koyuk and Savoonga, two in both Diomede and Golovin, and one in Shaktoolik. Leadership has been notified in each community.
There are currently 374 active cases in the region: 125 are in Nome, 57 in Gambell, 42 in Unalakleet, 39 in Shishmaref, 37 in Elim, 17 in Savoonga, 15 in Teller, 10 in Brevig, 10 in Koyuk, seven in Golovin, six in Stebbins, four in St. Michael, four in Shaktoolik, and one in Diomede.
If you are sick or test positive for COVID-19, please isolate for five days (starting from the first day of symptoms, or the day of the positive test if without symptoms), followed by five days of wearing a face mask around other people. End isolation if you are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) and your symptoms are improving.
You do not need to test again for 90 days if you test positive for COVID-19. At the end of your five days of isolation, you should not retest unless specifically instructed to do so by NSHC. The CDC does not recommend regular testing for asymptomatic people, with some exceptions.
If you were exposed to COVID-19 as a close contact and are NOT up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations,
• Quarantine for five days
• Wear a well-fitted mask around others until day 10
• Get tested four to five days after exposure
If you were exposed to COVID-19 as a close contact and are up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations,
• You do not have to quarantine, unless you develop symptoms
• Wear a well-fitted mask around others until day 10
• Get tested four to five days after exposure
A close contact is defined as someone who spends 15 or more minutes within six feet of an infectious individual. If both individuals are masked, they are not considered close contacts.