October 29, 2021
Contact: Reba Lean, Public Relations Manager
Phone: (907) 443-9674
Nome, Alaska – Norton Sound Health Corporation identified 33 new COVID-19 cases in five communities on Thursday, Oct. 28. Of the new cases, 23 were in Savoonga, three were in Nome, three were in Unalakleet, three were in Elim, and one was in Gambell.
In Nome, one of the cases was a close contact to a previously identified case, and two were community spread cases. In Gambell, the case was travel-related. All other new cases in Savoonga, Unalakleet, and Elim were close contacts.
Of the 195 active cases regionwide, there are 103 in Nome, 39 Savoonga, 26 in Brevig Mission, 16 in Elim, five in Unalakleet, two in Wales, two in Gambell, one in Shaktoolik, and one in Shishmaref.
Heading into the Halloween weekend, NSHC would like to share some safety guidance regarding trick-or-treating. As always, if children or adults are experiencing symptoms of illness, they should avoid contact with others and get tested for COVID-19. Additionally, trick-or-treaters should:
- Stay visible – reflective tape or stickers should be worn outdoors
- Go in groups – keep your family together and supervise children who are under the age of 12
- Wear a face mask and sanitize hands when possible
- Inspect treats – remove candy your child may be allergic to and any other questionable treats
Those who plan on giving out treats this year should consider these precautions:
- Avoid direct contact with trick-or-treaters
- Hand out safe treats while outside, if possible
- Wash or sanitize hands before handling treats
- Wear a cloth or disposable face mask