July 1, 2020
Contact: Reba Lean, Public Relations Manager
Phone: 907-443-9674
Nome, Alaska – Norton Sound Health Corporation found the region’s 10th positive COVID-19 case on Tuesday evening. Preliminary information indicates this case is travel-related.
The patient has been contacted and is safely isolating. The State of Alaska Section of Epidemiology and Public Health Nursing are in touch with the individual and have begun the process of tracing close contacts. The patient is not experiencing symptoms.
NSHC would like to remind the public that when traveling through or visiting areas that have seen exposure to the virus, please take safety precautions seriously. Continue to frequently wash hands, wear a mask and other personal protective equipment when around others, and try to keep your distance from other people.
Additionally, avoid traveling outside of the region if you can. If you have traveled, NSHC recommends quarantining for 14 days as the safest method of prevention of spreading COVID-19 and a combination of testing with a shortened quarantine of seven days as the second safest method.
If you feel sick, stay home. Symptoms of COVID-19 include coughing, fevering, shortness of breath, fatigue, new-onset diarrhea, loss of smell or taste, and other cold symptoms. If you are experiencing any of those symptoms, please contact Primary Care in Nome at 443-3333 or your local clinic before going in to be seen.