October 21, 2021
Contact: Sarah Richards, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (907) 443-4591
Nome, Alaska – On Wednesday, Oct. 20, Norton Sound Health Corporation identified 29 positive COVID-19 cases in the region.
Of the new cases, 25 are in Nome, two are in Brevig Mission, one is in Elim, and one is in Shishmaref. All individuals have been notified and are safely isolating.
In Nome, 18 patients were close contacts to previously identified cases, with one being travel-related, and six being community spread. In Brevig, both patients were close contacts to other positive cases. In Elim, the case was a result of community spread, and the patient in Shishmaref was a close contact to a previously identified case.
Of the 125 active cases, 81 are in Nome, 29 are in Brevig, five are in Elim, four are in Unalakleet, two are in Shishmaref, two are in Shaktoolik, one is in Koyuk, and one is in Stebbins. Village leadership in all communities has been notified.
Alaska continues to rank highest in the nation for new positive cases per 100,000 residents, with an average of 798 cases identified per day. There has been an 11% decrease in cases in the state in the past two weeks. Most of the state, including the Norton Sound/Bering Strait region, continues to operate in a high alert level.
Testing for COVID-19 is open daily for asymptomatic people from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Nome Operations Building Testing Center, located at the corner of Greg Kruschek Avenue and K Street. The Testing Center is open during the lunch hour, but staffing is limited. Please visit to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome.
The Cough and Cold Clinic is available for testing every day for symptomatic patients. It is located on the first floor of the hospital and is open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m.-10 p.m. on weekends, except for 1-12 p.m. when it closes for lunch. You can call the direct line to the clinic at (907) 443-3231.
In the region’s villages, please call your local clinic to get tested or vaccinated.