Norton Sound Health Corporation operates two pharmacies; the Pharmacy department is headquartered in Nome at the Norton Sound Regional Hospital, and the Anikkan Inuit Iluaqutaat Sub-Regional Pharmacy opened in Unalakleet in 2016.
Nome Pharmacy
Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.,
Wednesdays: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Call: 907-443-3319
Fax: 907-443-2847
Unalakleet Pharmacy
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. for lunch each day
Call: 907-624-5423
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my prescription be filled at the NSHC Pharmacy even though my doctor is not employed at NSHC?
Yes. NSHC honors all active prescriptions with refills and will fill the prescription. NSHC currently fills several prescriptions from outside providers.
What do I do if my prescription has expired or does not have any more refills and my provider works at NSHC?
NSHC Pharmacy and Medical Staff have a “Pharmacist Refill/Bridge Supply” policy in place to provide medication and/or other supplies for a short period of time until the patient is able to have an appointment with their provider. Refills and bridge supplies apply to over-the-counter medication and chronic medication for specific disease states. Controlled substances, including Gabapentin, Warfarin, medications for an acute issue, as-needed medications, or discontinued medications, cannot be provided refills or bridge supplies from a pharmacist. Patients will need to see their providers for evaluation for more refills.
Why didn’t I receive additional refills or a bridge supply on my prescription even though my provider works at NSHC?
Some medical conditions are more complex and may require laboratory testing and/or a provider appointment. The Pharmacy will contact a patient’s case manager for the patient when this situation occurs, and the provider will be notified.
What do I do if my prescription has expired or does not have any more refills, and my provider does not work at NSHC?
NSHC Pharmacy is unable to provide additional refills or a bridge supply to patients who have a provider who is not employed by NSHC or Alaska Native Medical Center. NSHC’s policy is a protocol approved by NSHC Medical Staff only. Extending prescriptions beyond the refill to patients who are prescribed to by a provider outside the system would violate a pharmacist’s Scope of Practice. A pharmacist can call outside providers and request additional refills to help. They can also provide additional options on a case-by-case basis.
Why was my prescription canceled without anyone informing me?
NSHC is working to improve its communication to patients about their medications. If a change is made to your medication, your case manager or provider will communicate this. Your pharmacist is also available to answer any questions you may have.
Will NSHC answer my specific health care question on social media?
No. NSHC will always protect your patient privacy and is not able to share the details you need. Please file a confidential EthicsPoint hotline concern at 855-541-4193, and NSHC will give you a detailed answer to help you address your concern. You may also call the NSHC Compliance Officer Cameron Piscoya at 443-3360 or by email.