January 19, 2022
Contact: Alexis Erikson, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (907) 443-8918
Active COVID-19 Cases Reach 200
Nome, Alaska – Norton Sound Health Corporation identified a record high number of COVID-19 cases in one day on Tuesday, Jan. 18. Of 89 cases identified in the region, 46 were in Nome, 14 were in Shishmaref, nine were in St. Michael, seven were in Savoonga, six were in Elim, four were in Unalakleet, two were in Brevig, and one was in Wales. Leadership has been notified in each community.
As the number of cases in the region grow, it is important to take all the necessary precautions to limit the spread of the virus. This includes getting vaccinated and, if eligible, getting a booster shot.
In Nome, COVID-19 vaccinations are available at the following places and times:
• NSHC Pharmacy: Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m.
• Airport: Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are offered to all incoming passengers 12 years and older.
Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments can also be made through
If someone is not fully vaccinated or boosted, and is identified as a close contact, they should quarantine for five days. After a negative test result on day five, they should continue to wear a mask in public for five additional days. Those who are fully vaccinated and have received a booster (if due) do not need to quarantine but are encouraged to wear a mask in public places and test on day five.
If diagnosed with COVID-19, patients should isolate for a minimum of five days and wear a mask for an additional five days.
There are currently 201 active cases in the region: 108 in Nome, 28 in Shishmaref, 18 in Elim, 17 in Unalakleet, 11 in St. Michael, seven in Savoonga, six in Golovin, two in both Shaktoolik and Brevig, and one in both Stebbins and Wales.