July 12, 2021
Contact: Alexis Erikson, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (907) 443-8918
Community Spread and Travel-Related Case Identified
Nome, Alaska – On July 11, Norton Sound Health Corporation identified a positive COVID-19 case in a resident of Nome. The source of the virus is travel-related. On July 12, a community spread case was identified in a Nome resident.
Both patients are safely isolating, and all close contacts have been notified.
There are currently two active COVID-19 cases in the region.
COVID-19 vaccination numbers continue to rise throughout the region. Since last week, NSHC administered 64 new first doses, and 66 more individuals were fully vaccinated. These numbers include Johnson & Johnson vaccines.
As of Saturday, July 10, 72% of the entire population in Nome has received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and 70% is fully vaccinated.
Regionwide, 64% of the entire population has received at least the first dose of vaccine, and 61% is fully vaccinated. The region is aiming for herd immunity with a target of 70% of the entire region vaccinated. When 9% more of the region is fully vaccinated, things may safely reopen and return to normal.