September 18, 2020
Contact: Sarah Richards, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: 907-443-4591
Nome, Alaska – A resident of the Norton Sound/Bering Strait region is now safely isolating after testing positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, September 17.
The patient was traveling when they tested positive. They are currently isolating outside of the region and were not in the region at any point during their infectious period. The State of Alaska Section of Epidemiology and Public Health Nursing have been notified and are currently following up with any close contacts.
Researchers continue to work to find ways to manage and ultimately eradicate COVID-19. There are several vaccinations currently going through rigorous clinical trials to ensure their safety before being offered to the public. In addition to the vaccine, researchers continue to explore other methods of prevention and treatment.
NSHC would like to emphasize the importance of getting influenza vaccines this year, which will be available at the end of September. Upcoming village clinic dates will be released next week. As the nation enters flu season, it is important to continue to wear masks and practice good hand hygiene.
During a tribal leader conference call this week, Dr. Mark Peterson urged the public remain vigilant and to stay positive. “Sometimes we all get tired of it, but people understand we’re in this together. We’re getting there and there’s light at the end of the tunnel,” he said. “Hang in there; there are good things to come.”