January 10, 2022
Contact: Alexis Erikson, Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (907) 443-8918
Weekend Review for Regional COVID-19 Cases
Nome, Alaska – Between Friday, Jan. 7 and Sunday, Jan. 9, Norton Sound Health Corporation identified 71 COVID-19 cases between seven regional communities. 41 were identified in Nome, 22 were in St. Michael, four were in Unalakleet, and one was in each Elim, Shaktoolik, Golovin, and Stebbins.
In Nome, 28 were close contacts to previously identified cases, six were community spread, and five were travel-related cases. One of the Nome cases was an NSHC employee. In St. Michael, 15 were close contact cases, five were community spread, and two were travel-related. In Unalakleet, three were travel-related and one was a close contact case. In Elim, Golovin, and Stebbins, each case was a close contact to a previously identified case. In Shaktoolik, the case was travel-related. Leadership has been notified in each community.
Taking safety precautions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but they can make us feel lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. As the Omicron variant continues to spread, learning to cope with stress in healthy ways will make you, and those around you, feel more connected and less isolated.
The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention share that some healthy ways to cope with stress include limiting news to just a couple times a day and disconnecting from phone, tv, and computer screens for a while. Other healthy ways to cope with stress can also include connecting with others, taking care of your body, and getting plenty of sleep.
If you are feeling down or are looking for help for yourself or others, please talk to someone. Call NSHC Behavioral Health Services at (907) 443-3344 during business hours or after hours at (907) 443-6411 or 1-844-586-8773.The Alaska Careline is also available at 1-877-266-HELP.
There are currently 80 active cases in the region: 45 in Nome, 18 in St. Michael, six in Unalakleet, six in Elim, two in Stebbins, and one in each Shaktoolik, Golovin, and Teller.